
December 2021

Covid Safety

Procedure for classroom training and written exams during COVID-19

In order to ensure minimum risk of contracting and spreading COVID-19, we have set up the following procedure, which must be followed at all times when training is organised and carried out in a training room or exam room.

1) Registration and joining instructions.

a) Pre-screening. At the time of registration for an event or exam, students or candidates are to be made aware of the COVID-19 procedures and requirements.

b) Any special requirements must be highlighted to the attendees.

2) Training room or examination room / facility.

a) The facilities will be selected so that risks of transmission and infection are minimised.

b) Social distancing. Desks, benches, tables, and seating must be suitable and laid out suitably so as to facilitate the current social distancing requirements and minimise risks.

c) No extra visitors or persons not required to be present are to be allowed to enter the facility on the day of training, or during a session.

3) Attendance register and declaration.

a) Register of attendees and contact tracing information.

  1. A register will be signed by all attendees at the facility at the beginning of each session / day of attendance.
  2. The register will require the attendees to read and accept the health declaration.

4) Instructor/Examiner declaration.

a) The instructor / examiner / invigilator will complete and sign the attached declaration at the beginning of each session / day of attendance and file it with the course records.

5) Sanitising the facility and equipment before, during and after use.

a) All tables, chairs and other equipment and furnishings likely to be touched or handled must be wiped down with a suitable disinfectant prior to the start, and after being handled.

b) Suitable sanitising agents must comply with a reputable and recognised standard.

6) Hand Hygiene. Sanitising before, during and after attendance.

a) Hand sanitiser will be supplied and available at the entrance/s to the facility and must be used by all candidates every time that they enter or re-enter the room. (after using toilets)

b) Facilities for hand washing must be supplied and available.